I am one of those strange women that actually likes getting kitchen "things" for gifts. Christmas, birthday, anniversary, even Mother's Day, I love kitchen stuff. I love it even more if the stuff is cute. Nothin' better than serving your treat at a church potluck with those cute spoons your hubby got you for your birthday or going to the Mother's Day Tea with your beautiful serving dish your Mother-in-Law brought you from "Out West"!
Along with all those kitchen things comes cute accessories. I have several adorable aprons that unfortunately get a lot of use, I also have great kitchen towels. These are some hotties I whipped up from the things I had in my stash. Towels are from the Dollar Store bought years ago, fabric was free from a friend, and trim was some I had in a drawer probably bought years ago also.
Here's what they were before:

And after:
Don't know who is getting these treats, maybe they will stay at my house. Who know's!!